杨想平,翁秀芳,谭 政,龚非力*
(华中科技大学同济医学院基础医学院免疫学系,武汉 430030)

摘 要:摘 要:“免疫细胞的代谢及其调节”是近年发展而成的一个新研究领域。大量实验研究证实,免疫应答通常伴随某些免疫细胞在短时间内大量增殖、激活,而活化的免疫细胞( 如T 细胞/B 细胞及其功能亚群、不同类型的固有免疫细胞等) 有赖于改变其能量代谢方式而分化、扩增及发挥功能。因此,通过调控免疫细胞的能量代谢方式,可影响免疫应答的产生、效应及转归,并干预某些免疫病理过程的发生和发展。主要介绍不同T 细胞亚群、B 细胞和固有免疫细胞( 如iNKT 细胞等) 的能量代谢及其调节,以及调控能量代谢对免疫细胞( 尤其是T 细胞) 分化、功能的影响及其机制。

Energy metabolism in immune cells
YANG Xiang-Ping, WENG Xiu-Fang, TAN Zheng, GONG Fei-Li*
(Department of Immunology, School of Basic Medicine, Tongji Medical College,
    Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Immune cell metabolism and its regulation are emerging topics in the field of research. The immune responses are usually accompanied with activation and drastic proliferation of certain immune cells in a short time and activated immune cells (e.g. B cell, T cell and different subsets, different types of innate immune cells, etc.) rely on the metabolic changes to differentiate, expand and execute their functions. Thus regulation of the metabolism of immune cells can affect the induction and outcome of the immune responses and associated immunopathological processes. This review focuses on the metabolic regulation of different T cell subsets, activated B cells, and iNKT cells, and how the adoption of different energy metabolism pathways affects immune cell functions, particularly in T cell subsets differentiation and their function.

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