(中科院上海生命科学研究院健康科学研究所,上海 200031)

摘 要:摘 要:白介素-17 (interleukin-17,IL-17) 细胞因子家族含有6 个成员,分别是IL-17A ( 简称IL-17)、IL-17B、IL-17C、IL-17D、IL-17E ( 也称IL-25) 以及IL-17F。IL-17A 是该家族中目前研究得最清楚的成员,它可以诱导抗菌肽和炎症性基因的表达,在宿主防御病原微生物如细菌和真菌等的感染中发挥着重要作用,同时也参与多种自身免疫病的炎症性发病病理。IL-17A 及其受体的阻断性抗体在牛皮癣和类风湿性关节炎等自身免疫病的临床治疗试验中取得很好的疗效。IL-25 诱导Th2 相关基因的表达,在过敏反应和宿主抵抗寄生虫感染中发挥重要作用。近年来研究发现,IL-17C 也参与宿主抵抗病原菌感染和自身免疫病病理,
    而IL-17 细胞因子家族也参与肿瘤的发生和发展。尽管人们对IL-17A 的信号转导机制有了一定的了解,但该家族中其他成员的功能机制还不清楚。因此,深入研究IL-17 家族细胞因子的功能与分子机制将为相关疾病,如自身免疫病、感染性疾病、过敏性疾病和肿瘤等的治疗提供重要的理论基础和分子靶标。

Research advances in IL-17 cytokine family
WANG Jing-Jing, SONG Xin-Yang, QIAN You-Cun*
(Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200031, China)

Abstract: Abstract: IL-17 (interleukin-17) family comprise six members: IL-17A, IL-17B, IL-17C, IL-17D, IL-17E (also called IL-25) and IL-17F. IL-17A is the most characterized member, which induces the expression of antipeptides and cytokines. It plays important roles in host defence against bacteria and fungi, and autoimmune disease pathogenesis. Monoclonal antibody against IL-17A or its receptor proves to be a curative therapy of psoriasis and arthritis. IL-17E promotes allergy responses and the elimination of parasites infection by induction of type 2 immunity-related gene expression. Recently, IL-17C was found to help host prevent from pathogens, and promoted the inflammatory diseases. IL-17 family members are considered to affect certain tumors’ initiation and progression. The signaling pathways and biological functions of IL-17 members other than IL-17A are not yet clear. Thus, deeper research on the functions and mechanism of IL-17 family will provide an important theoretical basis and therapy target for autoimmune diseases, infection, allergy and tumor.

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