(中山大学医学院免疫研究所,热带传染病教育部重点实验室,广州 510080)

摘 要:摘 要:辅助性CD4+ T 细胞是适应性免疫应答的主要淋巴细胞。继人们首次在小鼠体内发现并命名Th1和Th2 后,近20 多年来又陆续发现了其他功能的Th 细胞亚群,包括Th9、Th17、Th22、Tfh 和Treg 细胞等。关于新型Th 细胞亚群的表型特征、免疫学功能和分化机制的研究成为近几年的热点,特别是Th 细胞可塑性概念的提出,使得Th 细胞的多功能性、相互作用和分化调控机制更加复杂化。现将总结分析国内外关于Th9、Th17、Tfh 和Th22 细胞的最新研究成果,论述辅助性T 细胞的功能、分化的可塑性及其机制。

The plasticity of T helper cells and the mechanism for its differentiation
YU Si-Fei, WU Chang-You*
(Key Laboratory of Tropical Disease Control Research of Ministry of Education, Institute of Immunology, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China)

Abstract: Abstract: T helper cells are the major effector lymphocytes in adaptive immune responses. Th1 and Th2 cells were the initial understanding T helper cells in mouse and human. In recent two decades, new lineages of T helper cells were described, including Th9, Th17, Th22, Tfh and Treg cells. Currently, the phenotypic characteristics, immunological functions and differentiation mechanism of new subset of Th cells are main immunological research topics. The concept of Th cell plasticity makes research more complicated, especially, Th cell polyfunction, the cell to cell interaction and differentiation mechanism are needed to be further understood. We mainly focus on the latest highlights about Th9, Th17, Tfh and Th22 cells, and summarize the functions of new T helper cells, differentiation plasticity and its mechanism.

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