梁静静,吕 俊,鲁林荣*
(浙江大学医学院免疫学研究所,杭州 310058)

摘 要:摘 要:T 细胞受体介导的T 细胞活化在胸腺T 细胞发育、T 细胞亚群分化以及效应T 细胞功能发挥过程中均起着至关重要的作用。TCR 能特异性识别抗原提呈细胞表面MHC 提呈的抗原肽(peptide),并将胞外识别转化成可向细胞内部传递的信号,通过诱导TCR 邻近酪氨酸激酶活化,促进信号传递复合物组装,活化下游MAPK、PKC 以及钙离子等信号途径,最终活化相应的转录因子,调控效应蛋白分子的表达,完成T 细胞的活化。TCR 信号传递过程受到不同类型调控分子的调控,这些具有调控功能的分子形成了一个复杂的调控网络来精细调控TCR 信号的起始、强度及终止。

The regulation and function of TCR signaling pathway
LIANG Jing-Jing, LV Jun, LU Lin-Rong*
(Institute of Immunology, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangshou 310058, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Activation of T cells through the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) is essential for thymocyte development, T cells differentiation and the effector function of T cell. TCR associates with the MHC-peptide complex on the surface of antigen presenting cells, and transfer the signals into T cells, which includes the activation of proximal tyrosine kinases, the assembly of signaling complexes, and the induction of downstream MAPK, PKC and calcium signaling pathways. These signals activate transcription factors such as NFAT, NF-κB and AP-1, which induce the expression of important cytokines and proteins, essential for the activation of T cells. TCR signaling pathway is deliberately regulated by a complicated network which consist a spectrum of regulatory molecules. In this review,we focus on the latest research progresses in the regulation of TCR signaling and different cellular effector function mediated by this signaling pathway.

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