宋 杰,胡雅洁,刘龙丁*
(中国医学科学院北京协和医学院医学生物学研究所,云南省重大传染病疫苗研发重点实验室,昆明 650118)

摘 要:摘 要:先天性免疫反应是宿主抵御病毒感染的第一道防线,也是激活适应性免疫的基础,其在宿主清除病毒的免疫反应中发挥关键作用,成为当前免疫学研究的热点。在先天性免疫反应中,病毒感染细胞后主要通过模式识别受体识别病毒入侵,进而产生干扰素和一系列细胞因子来抵抗病毒入侵或清除病毒;而在适应性免疫中,机体主要通过T 细胞和B 细胞特异性识别入侵的病毒并将其清除。与此同时,病毒为了能够更好地在宿主细胞中获得生存,进化了多种可逃逸宿主免疫系统的机制。现将主要针对于病毒逃逸宿主免疫反应的一系列机制进行阐述。

Research progress on viral evasion mechanisms of host immune responses
SONG Jie, HU Ya-Jie, LIU Long-Ding*
(Institute of Medical Biology, Chinese Academy of Medicine Science and Peking Union Medical College, Yunnan Key
    Laboratory of Vaccine Research & Development on Severe Infections Disease, Kunming 650118, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Innate immune response is the first line of host to defend against virus infection, and it is also the basis for the activation of adaptive immunity. Both innate immunity and adaptive immunity play important roles in the host immune response to clear viruses, thus it becomes a focus of immunology research. During innate immunity, the virus infects host cells mainly through pattern recognition receptor, and subsequently the host produces interferons and a series of cytokines to resist virus invasion or clear viruses. While in adaptive immune response, host cells specifically recognize the invasion viruses by T lymphocyte and B lymphocyte, and then the viruses are cleared. At the same time, in order to survive, the viruses have evolved multiple antiviral abilities to escape the host immune responses. This article mainly aims to illustrate a series of mechanisms by which the viruses escape from host immune response.

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