罗 雷,杨仕隆,赖 仞*
(中国科学院昆明动物研究所,昆明 650223)

摘 要:摘 要:蜈蚣在中国作为传统中药治疗疾病已有千年历史,如治疗中风偏瘫、中风、癫痫、破伤风、百日咳、结核病、烧伤烫伤和急性心脏病等。尽管人们经常遇到蜈蚣并遭遇其伤害,但有关蜈蚣毒液的组成及作用方面却少有深入研究。近年来,随着分子生物学、结构生物学的不断发展,对蜈蚣毒素的研究,特别是对多肽类毒素的研究越来越深入。现就近年来对蜈蚣毒素的相关研究进行概述。

Progress on centipede toxins
LUO Lei, YANG Shi-Long, LAI Ren*
(Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Centipede, a Chinese traditional medicine for treatment of diseases, has been used for thousands of years in China in stroke hemiplegia, stroke, epilepsy, tetanus, pertussis, tuberculosis, burns, scalds and acute heart disease. Although people often encountered centipedes and suffered from its injury, the composition and function of centipede venom were poorly understood. In recent years, with the development of molecular biology and structural biology, great development has been made on centipede toxin, especially on peptide toxin researches. This review makes a brief summary of the recent progress on centipede toxins.

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