(华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院,武汉 430074)

摘 要:摘 要:40 多年前的遗传筛选鉴定了第一个果蝇生物钟基因period,开启了果蝇生物钟调控机制的研究。随着更多生物钟基因被发现,一个由转录水平的调控及转录后水平的修饰组成的负反馈环路模型逐步形成,被认为是调控昼夜节律的核心分子机制。生物钟驱动果蝇脑内约150 个神经元的活动,这些神经元在不同的环境条件下通过不同的方式互作,共同调控果蝇的行为节律。昼夜环境变化中最显著的是明暗变化。蓝光受体cryptochrome 在光对昼夜节律的调控中起重要作用。

The regulatory mechanism of Drosophila circadian rhythm
ZHANG Luo-Ying*, YE Xiao-Xue
(School of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Over 40 years ago, a genetic screen identified the first Drosophila clock gene, period. This initiated research in the regulatory mechanism of fly circadian clock. As additional clock genes were characterized, a model of a negative feedback loop consisting of transcriptional regulations and posttranscriptional modifications was gradually developed. This model is now generally accepted to be the core molecular mechanism driving circadian rhythms in the fly. Circadian clock drives the activities of approximately 150 neurons in the fly brain. These neurons interact with each other to drive behavioral rhythms, and the interactions are different under different environmental conditions. During the daily cycle, the most prominent alteration in environmental conditions is the light-dark cycle. The blue light photoreceptor cryptochrome plays a key role in mediating the effects of light on circadian rhythms.

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