(苏州大学医学部生物钟研究中心,苏州 215123)

摘 要:摘 要:尽管真菌和哺乳动物进化上相差很远,但在分子水平上,它们的生物钟作用机理却保守相似,由正调控元件和负调控元件组成的负反馈环路驱动着节律基因的表达。粗糙脉孢菌生物钟的正调控元件WC-1 和WC-2 激活中心振荡器frq 基因的表达,而负调控元件FRQ 和FRH 抑制正调控元件的转录活性。负反馈环路涉及转录、转录后、翻译和翻译后等不同水平的调节,多种蛋白激酶和磷酸酶参与这一过程,蛋白泛素化和蛋白酶体也是不可缺少的环节。

The circadian clock mechanism of Neurospora crassa
ZHANG Yun-Feng, HUANG Guo-Cun*
(The Center for Circadian Clocks, College of Medical School, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Despite the evolutionary distances between fungi and mammals, their circadian clock mechanisms share remarkable similarity. At the molecular level, the negative feedback loops consist of positive and negative elements, driving the rhythmic expression of core clock and clock-controlled genes. In Neurospora, the positive element, WC-1 and WC-2 complex (WCC) activates frq expression, while the negative element, FRQ-FRH complex (FFC) inhibits WCC transcription activity. The feedback loops compose of different regulations of transcription, posttranscription, translation and post-translation. Several kinases and phosphotases are responsible for clock protein phosphorylation or dephosphorylation. FRQ ubiquitination and degradation by the proteasome are essential to keep the clock running.

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