尹 航1,孙宇强2,王小峰2,李墨林3,魏明海2*
(1 大连市第二十四中学,大连 116001;2 大连医科大学附属二院神经外科,大连 116023;
    3 大连医科大学病理生理教研室,大连 116044)

摘 要:摘 要:miRNA-125 家族是由在进化上高度保守的miRNA-125a-3p、miRNA-125a-5p、 miRNA125b-1、miRNA-125b-2 组成,其表达紊乱与肿瘤的发生与发展密切相关。miRNA-125 家族的下游靶点包括转录因子如STAT3、细胞因子( 如IL-6, TGF-β)、相关蛋白( 如抑癌蛋白p53、促凋亡蛋白Bak1、RNA 结合蛋白HuR) 等。miR-125 家族参与调控这些靶点进而影响肿瘤的发生发展。现主要总结了miRNA-125 家族及其靶基因在抑制与促进肿瘤发生、发展方面的双重作用,并从增殖、凋亡、侵袭与转移和免疫反应等4 个方面详细阐述了其作用机制。

Progress on the relationship between miR-125 family and tumorigenesis
YIN Hang1, SUN Yu-Qiang2, WANG Xiao-Feng2, LI Mo-Lin3, WEI Ming-H
(1 Dalian 24 High School, Dalian 116001, China; 2 Department of Neurosurgery, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116023, China; 3 Department of Pathophysiology, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116044, China)

Abstract: Abstract: miRNA-125 family, a highly conserved miRNA family throughout evolution, consists of miRNA-125a-3p, miRNA-125a-5p, miRNA-125b-1 and miRNA-125b-2. The aberrant expression of miRNA-125 family is tightly related to tumorigenesis and tumor development. The downstream targets of miRNA-125 include transcription factors like STAT3, cytokines like IL-6 and TGF-β, tumor suppressing protein p53, pro-apoptotic protein Bak1 and RNA binding protein HuR, etc. In this review, we mainly summarize the dual functions of miRNA-125 family in suppression and promotion of cancer cells and further elaborate its regulatory mechanisms from four facets: proliferation, apoptosis, invasion and metastasis, and immune response.

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