李 林, 寿惠霞*
(浙江大学生命科学学院,杭州 310058)

摘 要:摘 要:铁是植物必需的微量元素。缺铁不仅影响植物的生长,更影响作物的营养品质。铁营养摄入不足是导致人体缺铁性贫血的主要原因。在膳食结构中,以谷物为主食,特别是发展中国家的人群,缺铁性贫血更为严重。因此,以提高作物食用部分铁含量为目标的“铁生物强化” 意义重大。首先,介绍了植物铁吸收、转运和储存的分子机制;其次,总结了提高作物铁含量和生物有效性的方法;最后,对未来作物铁生物强化的研究方向提出了展望。

Iron biofortification of crop plants
LI Lin, SHOU Hui-Xia*
(College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Iron (Fe) is an essential microelement affecting plant growth and nutrient values of the plant-based food. Inefficient Fe intake from diets is the main cause of iron deficiency anemia. Fe deficiency anemia is especially severe in developing countries where cereals are major staple crops. Therefore, it is particularly important to increase iron content and bioavailability in the edible parts of crops. This review firstly introduced molecular mechanisms of iron uptake, transport and storage, and then on this basis summarized approaches for increasing Fe content and bioavailability in crops. Finally, the future research directions were proposed.

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