(中国科学院植物研究所植物分子生理学重点实验室,北京 100093)

摘 要:摘 要:植物代谢组学是近年发展起来的进行植物生物学研究的新兴学科,目前的难点和热点是数据分析和信息挖掘。现针对植物代谢组学数据分析和信息挖掘过程中涉及的几个主要方面进行了概述,内容包括数据特点、分析流程、软件和数据库。系统地介绍了植物代谢组数据分析预处理、常用统计分析原理和适用条件、数据分析中的注意事项、常用软件和数据库的优缺点,最后探讨了植物代谢组数据分析的问题和新发展动态。

Plant metabolome data mining and databases
SHEN Guo-An, DUAN Li-Xin, QI Xiao-Quan*
(Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Physiology, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Plant metabolomics is a newly emerging ‘omics’, which has been widely used in plant science research. Data analysis and data mining are the hotspots and the most difficult aspects of plant metabolomics research. In this review, we summarized the major aspects of data analysis and data mining, including the characteristics of metabolomics data, procedure of data analysis, major software packages and public databases. Also data preprocessing, the statistic principle and methods used in metabolomics data analysis, and the characteristics of major software and public databases were introduced in detail. Finally, we discussed the current situation and prospect of plant metabolomics data analysis.

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