陈思佟1,岑 益2,柳建发1,李 洋1,廖 奇1*
(1 宁波大学医学院,宁波 315211;2 宁波市公安局鄞州分局,宁波 315100)

摘 要:摘 要:越来越多的研究表明,长非编码RNAs(long non-coding RNAs, lncRNAs) 可以调节蛋白质编码基因的表达、稳定性及亚细胞定位,参与众多重要的生物过程。由于lncRNAs 是一类新发现的非编码RNAs,挖掘各物种的lncRNAs 仍然是一个值得研究的问题。其中,利用生物信息学方法挖掘和鉴定lncRNAs 已经成为当前生物信息学家研究的一个热点。现就基于生物信息学方法对lncRNAs 的鉴定研究作一综述,主要内容分为两大类:基于测序和基于特征的计算机预测方法。基于测序又包括EST 测序、cDNA 测序及二代转录组RNA 测序;而基于特征的计算机预测则主要包含基于序列保守性、基于碱基排列顺序及基于表观遗传修饰特征。通过以上几方面的论述,来阐明目前lncRNAs 鉴定方法的现状和进展。

Bioinformatics methods of identifying and predicting long noncoding RNAs
CHEN Si-Tong1, CEN Yi2, LIU Jian-Fa1, LI Yang1, LIAO Qi1*
(1 School of Medicine, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China; 2 Yinzhou Branch of
    Ningbo Public Security Bureau, Ningbo 315100, China)

Abstract: Abstract: More and more researches show that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) play an important role in a number of biological processes through regulating the expression, stability and subcellular location of proteincoding genes. As lncRNAs are a kind of ncRNAs recently found, identification of lncRNAs in each organism is an emergency task. Among them, identification of lncRNAs using bioinformatics methods is a hot topic for bioinformatists. In this review, we mainly summarize the bioinformatics approaches of lncRNAs identification and prediction. The mothods are divided into two major parts: sequencing technology-based method and sequence characters-based computational prediction method. Sequencing technology-based method includes EST sequencing, cDNA sequencing and next-generation RNA-seq, while sequence characters-based computational prediction method includes sequence conservation, nucleotide arrangement and epigenetics modifications. The review aids to clarify the present status and progress of lncRNAs identification method.

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