尹茂山1,2 ,牟艳玲2,3*
(1 济南大学山东省医学科学院医学与生命科学学院, 济南 250200;2 山东省医学科学院
    药物研究所,济南 250062;3 山东省罕少见病重点实验室, 济南 250062)

摘 要:摘 要:Sirt1 是依赖烟碱胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD+) 的第III 类组蛋白去乙酰化酶。在心肌细胞中,Sirt1 通过去乙酰化相关因子增强细胞抵抗氧化应激的能力、减少细胞凋亡、减轻炎症反应、调节能量代谢、协调心脏舒缩功能,发挥心肌保护作用。现主要对Sirt1 的相关信号通路及其心肌保护作用研究进展进行综述。

The function of Sirt1 in myocardial protection
YIN Mao-Shan1,2, MU Yan-Ling2,3*
(1 School of Medicine and Life Science, University of Jinan-Shandong Academy of Medical Science, Jinan 250200, China; 2 Institute of Materia Medica, Shandong Academy of Medical Science, Jinan 250062, China; 3 Key Laboratory for Rare Disease of Shandong Province, Jinan 250062, China)

Abstract: Abstrat: Sirt1, a member of the NAD+-dependent class III histone deacetylase family, plays an important role in metabolism, aging and apoptosis. In cardiomyocytes, Sirt1 can enhance the resistance of oxidative stress, inhibit cell apoptosis, relieve inflammation, regulate energy metabolism and coordinate the diastolic and systolic function of the heart through deacetylasing some special factors, thus playing a vital role in myocardial protection. This article will summary the signal pathway of sirt1 and the current research progress of Sirt1 in myocardial protection.

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