《生命科学》 2015, 27(5): 549-553
摘 要:摘 要:人禽流感(human-avian influenza) 是一种由禽流感病毒中某些亚型感染人所引起的急性呼吸道传染病,目前能够感染人的禽流感病毒主要有H5、H7、H9 和H10 亚型。人感染禽流感病毒A(H5N1)、A(H7N9)、A(H10N8) 与重症季节性流感临床表现相似,主要表现为重症肺炎,病死率高。人禽流感与重症季节性流感和重症新甲型H1N1 流感患者有相同的危险因素,如高龄、合并基础疾病等,但人禽流感临床表现更重。
Abstract: Abstract: Human-avian influenza is a group of acute transmittable respiratory diseases caused by subgroups of avian influenza viruses, with the most common types of avian influenza A (H5N1), A (H7N9) and A (H10N8). The clinical features of human-avian influenza are similar to severe infections caused by seasonal influenza, that is, severe pneumonia with high mortality. Human-avian influenza also shares the similar risk factors with seasonal influenza, such as advanced age and underlying diseases.