    卫生部医学病毒和病毒病重点实验室,传染病监测预警中国疾病预防控制中心重点实验室,北京 102206)

摘 要:摘 要:2013 年初在中国长三角地区首次发现一种新的H7N9 禽流感病毒可导致人的感染和死亡。该病毒是由H7、N9 以及H9N2 禽流感病毒重配而成,病毒传播到其他地区之后仍与当地的H9N2 病毒不断重配,产生不同的基因型。H7N9 禽流感病毒特殊的双受体结合特性是其突破种属屏障感染人的重要机制,也是该病毒比H5N1 禽流感病毒更容易感染人的原因,这种受体特性的分子基础主要与病毒HA 蛋白的Q226L和G186V 突变有关。H7N9 病毒对禽类不致病,但人感染后的病死率超过30%。人群没有免疫力、病毒感染所导致的免疫病理以及病毒在肺部组织的高效复制是导致人感染H7N9 病毒后高病死率的重要原因。雪貂动物模型研究也表明该病毒能够在雪貂中有效复制和接触传播。因此,H7N9 禽流感病毒导致流感大流行的风险不容忽视,对动物和人群中H7N9 禽流感病毒的监测不容松懈。

Etiology characteristics of the novel H7N9 avian influenza viruses
ZHU Wen-Fei, SHU Yue-Long*
(World Health Organization Global Influenza Collaboration Centre for Reference and Research, National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC; Key Laboratory for Medical Virology, National Health and Family Planning Commission; Key Laboratory of Surveillance and Early-warning on Infectious Disease, China CDC, Beijing 102206, China)

Abstract: Abstract: In the spring of 2013, a novel H7N9 avian influenza virus emerged in the Yangtze Delta region of China and caused human infection with fatal outcomes. It was reassorted by H7, N9 and H9N2 avian viruses. Frequently reassortment between H7N9 and H9N2 viruses generated diversified genotypes. Dual receptor binding properties of H7N9 virus enabled it to infect human easier than H5N1 virus. In contrast to low or none pathogenicity in H7N9 infected poultry, majority of H7N9 patients exhibited severe diseases. Several factors contributed to the high mortality of human infections, including no preexisting immunity in human populations, immunopathology induced by viral infections and highly efficient replications of the virus in lungs. In addition to its efficient transmission in ferret models, the H7N9 viruses have been endowed with more pandemic potential. More efforts should be made to strengthen monitoring its evolution in both humans and other animals for potential pandemic preparedness.

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