范丽娟1,2,尹 苗1*,仲跻峰2,侯明海2,王长法2*
(1 山东师范大学生命科学学院,济南 250014;2 山东省农业科学院奶牛研究中心,济南 250100)

摘 要:摘 要:鱼精蛋白(protamine, PRM) 是精细胞中主要的核蛋白,存在于精子头部,对精子DNA 的正确包裹和精子正常功能的维持至关重要。近年研究表明,PRM 主要存在PRM1、PRM2、PRM3 等3 种基因,它们的变异是引发精子生物学异常的重要原因,因此,PRM 基因可作为候选基因阐述相关雄性先天性不育的病因。主要阐述PRM 的进化和功能及在DNA、RNA 和蛋白质水平上PRM 与雄性不育的关系,为了解雄性生殖疾病的发生提供理论依据。

Protamines and male fertility
FAN Li-Juan1,2, YIN Miao1*, ZHONG Ji-Feng2, HOU Ming-Hai2, WANG Chang-Fa2*
(1 College of Life Science, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China;
    2 Dairy Cattle Research Center, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science, Jinan 250100, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Protamine (PRM) existing in the sperm head is the major nuclear proteins in sperm cells, playing an important role in the correct packaging of sperm DNA and the maintaining sperm normal function. Recent studies indicated that PRM contained mainly three genes: PRM1, PRM2 and PRM3, which variants were considered as a significant reason for sperm abnormity. Therefore, the PRM could be important candidates in explaining some of the idiopathic male infertility cases in humans. Herein the evolution and basic functions of protamines are summarized. In addition, in order to provide a theoretical basis for understanding the occurrence of fertility diseases, the reciprocal associations between PRM and male infertility at the DNA, RNA, and protein levels are discussed.

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