
摘 要:摘 要:重力在地球进化的过程中是恒定的,但是重力对地球上许多物理、化学、生物及生态变化过程发挥的重要作用表明,重力从本质上来说必定是一个能改变地球生命的重要的物理作用力。从重力在生物进化中的作用、失重状态下机体的生理变化及相应的细胞学改变来分析重力对机体的影响以及机体对重力的感应机制。

The mechanisms of biology in sensing changes of gravity
LING Shu-Kuan, LI Yu-Heng, ZHONG Guo-Hui, LI Ying-Xian*
(State Key Laboratory of Space Medicine Fundamentals and Application, China Astronaut Research and Training Center, Beijing 100094, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Although gravity is consistent in the evolution of the Earth, it plays an important role in the process of physical, chemical, biological and ecological changes. In this article, we will discuss the effect of gravity on the evolution of organisms, the physiological changes in the whole body and the alteration in cellular levels under microgravity. The potential mechanism of biological response to the changes of gravity will be discussed.

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