汪 劼,易 静*

摘 要:摘 要:JNK是一个受外界应激因素调控的信号分子,调节包括凋亡在内的一系列细胞内的反应,但目前越来越多的报道证实了JNK信号途径具有促凋亡和抗凋亡的双重功能,这种双重功能受到细胞类型、刺激物的种类、剂量和持续时间以及胞内其他信号途径的影响。活性氧作为一种常见的外界应激因素也部分参与了JNK信号途径的激活,对细胞的生死产生了重要的影响。本文将主要总结JNK介导的信号转导途径及活性氧在这一途径中所发挥的作用。

Signal transduction of JNK and the role of ROS in these pathways
WANG Jie, YI Jing*
Department of Cell Biology, Key Laboratory of the Education Ministry for Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200025, China

Abstract: Abstract: JNK mediates significant cellular events including apoptosis in response to a variety of extra cellular stresses. However, more and more reports have identified the pro- or anti-apoptosis functions of JNK, depending on cell type, dosage of stimulus or duration of treatment and the activities of other cellular signaling pathways. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), recognized as important extra cellular stresses, in some circumstances contribute to the activation of JNK signaling pathway and thus play a pivotal role in determining the fate of cells. In this review, we focus on JNK-mediated signaling pathways and the role of ROS in these pathways.
Key words: JNK; reactive oxygen species (ROS); apoptosis

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