李 雁, 冯 云*, 孙贻娟
上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院生殖医学中心,上海 200025

摘 要:摘 要:近年来,人类核移植胚胎干细胞建系成为一项炙手可热的研究,用再生医学的理念治疗退行性疾病及器官移植为这一研究带来无穷的魅力和生命力;但是核重编程仍是核移植技术的瓶颈,制约了重构胚胎干细胞的研究。核重编程是指供体细胞核移入卵母细胞后必须停止本身的基因表达程序并恢复为胚胎发育所必需的特定的胚胎表达程序。只有供核发生完全重编程,重构胚胎才能正常发育。核重编程与供核者的年龄,供核细胞的组织来源、分化状态、细胞周期、传代次数,供核的表遗传标记以及供卵者的年龄、卵子的成熟度等因素有关。一般来说,颗粒细胞作为核供体最易被核重编程。供核者为胎体或新生体,供核细胞处于低分化状态或已传数代,供核细胞经过去表遗传标记处理,供卵者性成熟且年龄轻、卵子核与胞浆都成熟等均为有利于核重编程的因素。重构胚胎的培养方法对核重编程也至关重要,目前主张使用序贯培养及体细胞化培养。创造各种适于核重编程的条件有利于从更高的起点开展核移植胚胎干细胞研究,提高重构胚胎干细胞建系效率。
关键词:核移植; 核重编程; 治疗性克隆; 表遗传标记

Influencing factors of nuclear reprogramming after somatic cell nuclear transfer
LI Yan, FENG Yun*, SUN Yi-Juan
Reproductive Center, Ruijin Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200025, China

Abstract: Abstract: In recent years, human somatic cell nuclear transfer-embryo stem (SCNT-ES) research has become more and more influential and powerful. It is the regeneration medicine which gives the new idea to degenerative disease and organ transplantation. However, nuclear reprogramming, which stands in the way of reconstructed embryo stem cell research, is still a bottleneck in the procedure of nuclear transfer. Nuclear reprogramming means that the donor nuclei must erase the previous memory of cell differentiation and go back to a totipotent status. It has a pridominant effect on reconstructed embryo development. There are many influencing factors of nuclear reprogramming, such as the age of somatic cell donor, the source of somatic cell and its differentiation,cycle stage, passage number and epigenetic marks, the maturation of oocyte and its donor{$39}s age, and so on. In general idea, cumulus cell is the best nuclear donor cell for reprogramming. Nuclear donor is fetus or newborn, donor cell is of later passages or in relatively undifferentiate status, modification of pre-epigenetic marks in donor cell, oocyte donor is sex maturation and relative young, both of oocyte nuclear and cytoplasm is maturation. All these above fators are benefit of nuclear reprogramming. Besides that, the culture condition is also very important in nuclear reprogramming. Using sequence culture medium and cultrue medium which somatic cells prefer is been recommended. Anyway, setting up a smart situation for nuclear reprogramming will improve the efficience of producing SCNT-ES cell line and benefit the therapeutic cloing.
Key words: nuclear transfer; nuclear reprogramming; therapeutic cloning; epigenetic modification

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