(1 江苏科技大学蚕业研究所,镇江 212018;2 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所,中国科学院昆虫发育与进化生物学重点实验室,上海 200032 ;3 中国农业科学院蚕业研究所,镇江 212018)

摘 要:摘 要:基因组编辑技术是在生物基因组水平上对靶标序列进行定点编辑的一种重要手段。近年来,锌指核酸酶技术(ZFNs)、类转录激活因子核酸酶技术(TALENs)、成簇且规律间隔的短回文重复序列和相关Cas蛋白的DNA 核酸内切酶系统(CRISPR/Cas) 等基因组编辑技术的相继问世,为功能基因组的研究提供了有效的实验手段。这3 种基因组编辑技术的基本工作原理都是通过定点切割基因组DNA 双链,从而诱导内源性的修复机制产生定点突变。通过介绍这3 种技术的国内外研究现状及发展趋势探讨了基因组编辑技术在昆虫科学中的应用发展前景。

Genome editing technologies and advances in insects
ZHANG Zhong-Jie1,2, LIU Xiao-Jing1,2, LI Mu-Wang1,3, TAN An-Jiang2, HUANG Yong-Ping2*
(1 Sericultural Research Institute, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212018, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Insect Developmental and Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China; 3 Sericultural Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhenjiang 212018, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Genome editing technology is an important tool to operate site-specific modification at the biological genomic level. Recently, the advances of zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activitor-like effector nucleases (TALENs) and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR associated protein (CRISPR/Cas) system provide the effective methods to gene functional analysis. The basic working principle of these three genome editing techniques is to generate mutagenesis at targeted sites through making double-strand break and followed by inducing genome endogenous repair mechanisms. In this review, we describe the development trend of three genome editing techniques and introduce the applications of these techniques and explore the future development prospect of insects’ genes functional analysis.

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