阮梅花,王小理,王慧媛,熊 燕*
(中国科学院上海生命科学信息中心,上海 200031)

摘 要:通过定性、定量分析,比较中美脑科学研究的投入、产出差距及各自的重点布局领域,以期对中国的脑科学发展提供借鉴。主要通过分析梳理两国的重大计划、规划以及重要资助机构对脑科学研究的投入和布局,比较两国对脑科学研究的投入情况;综合运用多个数据库和分析工具,定量分析了中美脑科学的论文、专利产出量及影响力。分析结果表明,中国脑科学领域还需要加大投入,重点加强相关技术的研究与开发,提高研究的质量和影响力。

Comparative study on brain science research of China and the United States
RUAN Mei-Hua, WANG Xiao-Li, WANG Hui-Yuan, XIONG Yan*
(Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China)

Abstract: The input and output of brain science research of China and the United States were compared as well as the priority research area. Input items included blueprint, major projects, and relative research investment of each country. The output focused on the quantity and quality of research articles and patents. The study suggested that China should increase input on brain science research, and accelerate the development and application of technologies and research tools.

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