陆 宏, 霍正浩*
宁夏医学院医学遗传学与细胞生物学教研室, 银川750004

摘 要:摘 要:个体指长比形成于胚胎发育早期,男性低于女性,具有性别差异;食指与环指的指长比(2D∶4D)与雄性激素和精子数量成负相关,与雌性激素成正相关。指长比的形成和性腺的分化由HOXA和HOXD两组基因决定。研究表明:指长比与孤僻症、难语症、周期性偏头痛、免疫功能缺陷、口吃、心肌梗塞、乳腺癌等疾病具有相关性,提示:指长比可以作为提示某些疾病,如:指长比是心肌梗塞和乳腺癌等早期易感性的重要指标之一,对于疾病的早期预防与干预可能具有重要的价值。

Advances of digit ratios in human
LU Hong, HUO Zheng-Hao*
Department of Medical Genetics and Cell Biology, Ningxia Medical College, Yinchuan 750004, China

Abstract: Abstract:  Digit ratios were fixed early in pregnancy and showed sex differences, males have lower values of digit ratios than do females. 2D∶4D ratios is negatively related to testosterone levels and sperm counts and positively related to oestrogen level. The formation of digit ratios and differentiation of gonads are determined by HOXA and HOXD. Digit ratios have been found to correlate with autism, dyslexia, migraine, stammering, immune dysfunction, myocardial infarction and breast cancer. It indicates that digit rations in Humans may be used in diagnosis, prognosis of diseases as a predictor, such as myocardial infarction and breast cancer.
Key words: digit ratio; HOX gene; behavior; development; disease

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