周 童1,仵敏娟2*
(1 第二军医大学2009级临床医学系五年制,上海 200433;2 第二军医大学发育生物学研究中心基础医学部组织胚胎学教研室,上海 200433)

摘 要:摘 要:连接黏附分子A (junctional adhesion molecule A, JAM-A) 属于免疫球蛋白超家族,是一种跨膜蛋白,在胚胎发育、正常组织结构维持、炎症与免疫应答、创伤修复、肿瘤转移等多种生理病理过程中具有重要作用。JAM-A 具有跨膜结构的I 型膜蛋白,胞外有两个V 型的免疫球蛋白环样结构,可通过顺式二聚体与胞内PDZ 结构域结合,执行不同生物学功能。有关JAM-A 和生物学功能的研究很多,其在不同种系细胞增殖中截然相反的作用更是引起大家的关注。就JAM-A 在细胞增殖、肿瘤迁移和炎症性肠炎等三方面的研究进展作一综述。
    关键词:连接黏附分子A ;细胞增殖;肿瘤转移

Research progress on junctional adhesion molecule A    
ZHOU Tong1, WU Min-Juan2*
(1 Five-year Clinical Medical 2009, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2 Department of Histology and Embryology, Research Center of Developmental Biology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China)

Abstract: Abstract: JAM-A (junctional adhesion molecule A) plays a considerable role in epithelial cell proliferation,differentiation, migration and rearrangement. As a transmembrane protein, JAM-1 furthermore contributes to embryonic development and wound repair process as well. The current researches focus on the mechanism of JAM1 in epithelial cell proliferation, migration and the formation of cell polarity. Although the mechanisms of cell proliferation by JAM-A in epithelial cells are still unclear, interestingly enough, newly found but the fact is that JAM-A can promote or inhibit cell proliferation in different cell lines. There are two pathways reported - JAM1 promotes the proliferation of epithelial cells by raising the activity of β-integrin and Rap1; JAM1 inhibits them by inhibiting the expression of Akt-dependent β-catenin. In addition, the invasion of several tumors parallels to the unusual expression of JAM1, such as breast cancer, endometrial cancer and renal cell tumors. Also, the role of JAM1 in autoimmune enteritis has also attracted the attention of the people.
    Key words: junctional adhesion molecule A; cell proliferation; tumor metastasis

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