蔡家麟1,2,夏立亮2,潘 欣1,王 颖2*
(1 第二军医大学微生物学系,上海 200433;2 上海人类基因组研究中心/上海科学院,上海市疾病与健康基因组重点实验室,上海 201203)

摘 要:摘 要: 重链抗体(heavy chain antibody, HcAb) 是存在于骆驼和鲨鱼类动物体内,轻链天然缺失,只有重链组成的新型抗体分子。重链抗体和普通的抗体相比虽然缺失了轻链,但是依然保留结合抗原的能力。通过基因工程的改造获得仅有可变区,但保留结合能力的新型工程抗体——单域抗体(single-domain antibody),也被称为纳米抗体(nanobody),具有相对分子质量小、稳定性高、易表达等优点;同时,克服了人源抗体改造后亲和力降低、易聚集等缺点,成为抗体药物研究领域的新型抗体分子。

Structure properties of heavy chain antibody and its future application    
CAI Jia-Lin1,2, XIA Li-Liang2, PAN Xin1, WANG Ying2*
(1 Department of Microbiology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2 Shanghai Key Laboratory of Health and Disease Genomics, Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai/Shanghai Academy of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200433, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Heavy-chain antibodies constitute a major fraction of the functional antibodies in the serum of camelids. They are devoid of light chains and maintain the specificity and affinity to antigens. Through genetic engineering techniques, single-domain antibody (also called nanobody) exhibits certain advantages such as low molecular weight, better stability as well as easy expression etc. In addition, through overcoming the limitations of low affinity and easy-to-aggregation, nanobody becomes one of the prestigious subtypes in the research and development of therapeutic antibodies.
    Key words: heavy chain antibody; nanobody; therapeutic antibody

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