和 友1*,肖体乔1,Michel MOENNER2
(1 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所,上海光源,上海 201204;2 波尔多第一大学,F-33400塔朗斯,法国)

摘 要:摘 要:由于体形大小、生理参数与人类间的巨大差别,小动物脑血管结构和功能影像对相关技术提出新的要求。同步辐射硬X 射线成像具有高时空分辨特点。2009 年,我国第三代同步辐射装置上海光源投入运行后,我国研究人员利用同步辐射硬X 射线成像技术在脑血管结构和功能方面开展了相关研究,并获得一些初步成果。现就同步辐射硬X 射线成像、国内外利用同步辐射X 射线显微CT 和同步辐射X 射线血管造影在小动物脑血管三维构筑和脑卒中血管调节方面的研究进行介绍,希望以此为更多研究者提供参考,或许因为新的技术手段而促使新思路的产生。

Application of synchrotron hard X-ray based imaging on small animal’s    cerebral vasculature and function studies
HE You1*, XIAO Ti-Qiao1, Michel MOENNER2
(1Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201204, China; 2 Université Bordeaux I, F-33400 Talence, France)

Abstract: Abstract: Due to the difference between the body size and physiology of experimental animal and that of human, the observation of small animal’s cerebral vessels demands high spatial-temporal definition imaging techniques. Synchrotron hard X-ray based imaging provides such an imaging modality. After Shanghai synchrotron radiation facility, a third generation facility, was put in operation 2009 in China, mainland researchers have implemented several projects on cerebral vessels using synchrotron hard X-ray based imaging. The concepts of synchrotron hard X-ray based imaging, the synchrotron radiation X-ray micro CT based three-dimensional cerebral vasculature researches, and the dynamic cerebral vessels imaging using synchrotron radiation angiography are reviewed here. As novel technique approach might promote new thinking on the related scientific topics, the presented information is expected to serve as a reference for more researchers.

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