张 剑1,2,江怀东1*
(1 山东大学晶体材料国家重点实验室,济南 250100;2 山东建筑大学,济南 250101)

摘 要:摘 要:相干X 射线衍射成像是一种通过测量衍射信号,利用相位恢复算法来获取样品结构图像的无透镜成像技术。作为X 射线晶体学的发展和延伸,该技术无需对样品进行结晶,能够对非晶体材料进行高分辨成像,具有广阔的应用前景。近年来利用相干X 射线衍射成像技术已经实现了病毒、细菌、细胞、骨组织等生物样品的二维或三维高分辨、高衬度成像。由于该成像技术能够获得样品的密度信息,因此可以实现样品结构图像的定量分析。随着低温冷冻技术和X 射线自由电子激光技术的发展和应用,该成像技术将得到快速的发展。就相干X 射线衍射成像方法在生命科学中的应用做一综述。

Progress of coherent X-ray diffraction imaging in biology
ZHANG Jian1,2, JIANG Huai-Dong1*
(1 State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China;
    2 Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (CDI) is a lensless imaging that uses diffraction patterns to recover images of specimens. By the imaging technology, 2D or 3D images of biological specimens with high contrast and high resolution can be acquired without crystallization, section or stain. CDI images can provide density information of specimens, by which the compositional mass, volume and density can be determined. So far, CDI has been used for determination of microstructure of biological specimens, such as viruses, bacteria, cells, bone particles and so on. Combining with cryogenic technology and X-ray free electron lasers, CDI will keep fast developing. In the review, the applications and development of CDI are introduced and discussed.

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