窦 亮,何 明,杨旭冉,姜 山*
(中国原子能科学研究院核物理研究所,北京 102413)

摘 要:摘 要:使用放射性同位素在生命科学领域有着悠久的历史,14C 和41Ca 作为两种长寿命放射性核素已被广泛应用于生物体代谢的示踪研究。加速器质谱(accelerator mass spectrometry, AMS) 测量技术作为一种能够准确测量低丰度、长寿命同位素的核分析技术,克服了传统质谱存在的分子本底和同量异位素本底干扰的限制。该方法不受检测物质的复合结构及基体效应的影响,非常适合14C 与41Ca 生物样品的测量。介绍了AMS 测量技术的基本原理和优势及目前通过该技术测量14C 与41Ca 在生物代谢研究中的应用情况。重点介绍了中国原子能科学研究院AMS 小组目前正在从事的14C 与41Ca 在生物代谢领域的测量工作。
关键词:加速器质谱;14C 与41Ca ;生物代谢;测量与应用

Applications of 14C and 41Ca in the AMS measurement for biological metabolism
DOU Liang, HE Ming, YANG Xu-Ran, JIANG Shan*
(Department of Nuclear Physics, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The use of radioisotopes has a long history in biomedical science. 14C and 41Ca have been widely used in the tracer study of biological metabolism. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), an extremely sensitive nuclear physics technique for detection of low-abundant and long-lived isotopes, can provide high sensitivity over some conventional MS by reducing the interference of molecules and isobars. AMS can be used to quantify all compound-related materials, and is very suitable for the measurement of 14C and 41Ca in biological samples. In this
paper, we introduce the principles and advantages of AMS and its applications in measuring 14C and 41Ca in the field of biological metabolism. The biological applications of 14C and 41Ca at the China Institute of Atomic Energy are mainly described.
Key words: accelerator mass spectrometry; 14C and 41Ca; biological metabolism; measurement and application

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