(1 华中农业大学生物科学传媒中心,武汉 430070;2 俄亥俄州立大学约翰格兰公共事务学院巴特勒科技政策研究中心,美国 俄亥俄州哥伦布 43210)

摘 要:摘 要:2012 年9 月, 法国卡昂大学(University of Caen) 教授塞拉利尼(Gilles-Eric Séralini) 等在《食品与化学毒理学》(Food and Chemical Toxicology) 杂志上发表了大鼠长期服用抗草甘膦的转基因玉米会致癌的研究,引发了公众的担忧。经过调查,以欧洲食品安全局(European Food Safety Authority) 为代表的权威科学及监管机构认为没有充分的证据支持其研究结论。尽管如此,该研究仍然被反对转基因的人士广泛引用。结合国内外大量权威资料,对该研究的内容、结论和影响进行综述,力求准确反应该研究的概况、意义和局限性以及科学界对此的主流意见,并在此基础上探讨如何以常识、理性和科学的态度看待有争议的科学研究。
关键词:转基因;塞拉利尼;致癌研究;毒理;欧洲食品安全局;草甘膦;农达; 科学争议

The GM corn carcinogenic study and the proper reasoning on controversial research
FAN Jing-Qun1, JIA He-Peng2*
(1 Life Science Communication Center, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; 2 Battelle Center for Science & Technology Policy, John Glenn School of Public Affairs, the Ohio State University, Ohio 43210, USA)

Abstract: Abstract: The study by Séralini and colleagues published in September 2012 that claims both Roundup herbicides and the corn genetically modified to resist Roundup might cause cancers in rats has raised wide concerns among the public. Although mainstream scientists and authoritative food safety agencies have rejected the research due to its improper experiment procedures, lack of data and problematic statistics, the study remains causing confusion among the public as well as some science and technology professionals. Based on a systematic review and analysis of the research, this paper proposes that logically reasoning based on scientific norms is a major approach for us to avoid being misled by controversial studies.
Key words: GMO; Séralini; carcinogenic study; toxicology; European Food Safety Authority; glyphosate; Roundup; scientific controversies

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