(1 上海市儿童医院,上海交通大学附属儿童医院,上海交通大学医学遗传研究所,上海 200040;2 卫生部医学胚胎分子生物学重点实验室及上海市胚胎与生殖工程重点实验室,上海 200040)

摘 要:摘 要: 诱导性多能干细胞(iPSCs)和胚胎干细胞(ESCs)具有高度相似性。在理论上,iPSCs避免了ESCs无法回避的免疫排斥和伦理问题,为再生医学提供重要的细胞资源,具有广阔的临床治疗前景。然而,为实现其在临床上的应用,还须克服诸多问题,如已发现iPSCs具有潜在的致瘤性和免疫原性,以及iPSCs在重编程和传代培养过程中发生基因组变异和表观遗传改变的可能性等。就iPSCs临床应用所面临的主要问题进行总结并探讨可能的解决方法。

Safety considerations for clinical applications of induced pluripotent stem cells
ZHANG Si-Min1, YANG Guan-Heng1,2, ZHANG Jin-Zhi1,2*
(1 Shanghai Institute of Medical Genetics, Children's Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai Children's Hospital Affiliated,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200040, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Embryo Molecular Biology, Ministry of Health & Shanghai Key Laboratory of Embryo and Reproduction Engineering, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are an attractive cell source for regenerative medicine. They share high similarities with embryonic stem cells (ESCs), while avoiding immunological rejection and ethical problem. Before achieving its clinical applications, there are many challenges still ahead. For example, some studies have demonstrated the potential of their tumorigenicity and immunogenicity, as well as the occurrence of genetic and epigenetic abnormalities during the processes of reprogramming and subsequent culture of iPSCs. We here review the possible hurdles for clinical applications of iPSCs, and the potential solutions against these hurdles are also discussed.
Key words: induced pluripotent stem cells; immunogenicity; genome variation; epigenetic variation; tumorigenicity

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