(1哈尔滨师范大学生命科学与技术学院,哈尔滨150025;2 中山大学生命科学学院,广州510275)

摘 要:摘 要:  睾丸酮丛毛单胞菌(Comamonas testosteroni)是一种环境中常见的细菌,因其能够降解类固醇污染物而得名,近年来发现该菌对其他多种环境污染物也有良好的降解能力。概述睾丸酮丛毛单胞菌降解多环芳烃、取代芳烃、杂环芳烃等多种石油污染物的基本路径以及降解过程中的关键酶及其编码和调控基因的研究新进展,为对相关毒物环境污染的微生物修复治理提供参考。

Advances in degradation of petroleum pollutants by Comamonas testosteroni
HE Fa-Gui1, REN Zheng-Hua2, MI Xiao-Ju1, CUI Ji-Zhe1*
(1College of Life Science and Technology, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025, China;2College of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Comamonas testosteroni is gram-negative, strict aerobes and frequently occurs in diverse habitats. It was named based on its ability to metabolize steroids. In recent years, it was found that Comamonas testosteroni strains are able to utilize many other kinds of environmental pollutants as sole carbon and energy sources. This review summarized the research advances on the bacterial biodegradation pathways of petroleum pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, substituted aromatics, and heterocyclic aromatics; and the key enzymes and genes involved in the biodegradation pathways. It should provide a reference for the relevant microbial environmental pollution remediation.  
Key words: Comamonas testosteroni; petroleum pollutants; microbial biodegradation

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