熊琴梅,洪 葵*
(南昌大学第二附属医院心内科,南昌 330006)

摘 要:摘 要:近年来,国内外不断有流行病学调查研究报道某些心律失常的发病率在男性和女性人群之间存在明显的性别差异。随着相关临床及基础研究的深入,雌激素在心律失常两性差异发生中的作用逐渐成为研究人员关注的热点。对该研究领域取得的一些最新进展重点关注,分别从分子水平及临床应用角度对雌激素在各种心律失常包括药物获得性心律失常、缺血性心律失常以及特发性流出道室性心律失常等发生发展过程中的可能机制及作用进行探讨。

Molecular mechanism of estrogen on cardiac arrhythmias
XIONG Qin-Mei, HONG Kui*
(Department of Cardiology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Nowadays, there is an ever-increasing appreciation of the gender-related differences in the modulation of cardiac arrhythmias. A growing body of clinical and experimental investigations on sex-dimorphism in susceptibility to arrhythmias has demonstrated that sex hormones play important roles on the regulation and progression of gender-specific difference in cardiac physiology and pathophysiology. In the past several decades, much progress has been made in understanding the role of estrogen on cardiac arrhythmias, leading to the development of effective therapies for men and women patients in the future. The aim of this review is to focus on the current basic and clinical data regarding possible molecular mechanisms of estrogen on cardiac arrhythmias.
Key words: estrogen; arrhythmias; molecular mechanism

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