张彦洁,章丽雅,吴 菁,王俊青,任建敏,王歆琼,许春娣,周 同*

摘 要:摘 要:糖与蛋白质及核酸共同构成了生物学领域中体现生命现象的最重要的三类生物大分子。糖及其复合物作为生物学不可或缺的部分已渗透至整个生物医学领域,相关研究及成果发展成为一门新兴学科——糖生物学(Glycobiology)。免疫系统是研究糖结构及功能的理想系统,免疫反应的各个方面均涉及糖的参与及调控,因而深入研究糖类的免疫调控作用对于探究各种生物学现象至关重要。综述了糖生物学中的相关概念,糖及其复合物在机体中相互作用而调控免疫反应的病生理意义,以及影响炎症反应与肿瘤发生的最新研究进展。

Research progress in pathophysiological roles of glycobiology and its immunoregulation
ZHANG Yan-Jie, ZHANG Li-Ya, WU Jing, WANG Jun-Qing, REN Jian-Min, WANG Xin-Qiong, XU Chun-Di, ZHOU Tong*
(Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids constitute the three most important bio-macromolecules in the field of biology. The general roles of carbohydrates and their binding partners have influenced all aspects of biology and medicine, so these research work and results developed a newly emerging discipline, glycobiology. The immune system is an ideal one in which to study carbohydrate structure and function, because of the importance of carbohydrates and their binding partners in nearly every aspect of immunology. Thus, further research in the immunoregulation of carbohydrates is crucial to explore biological phenomenon. This review introduces some conceptions of glycobiology, and describes how carbohydrates and their binding partners cooperate within the immune system to regulate immune responses and the research progress in their pathophysiological roles of affecting inflammation and tumorigenesis.
Key words: glycobiology; glycoimmunology; glycosylation; lectins; inflammation; tumor

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