刘 晓1,熊 燕1,王 方1,赵国屏2*
(1 中国科学院上海生命科学信息中心,上海 200031; 2 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所,合成生物学重点实验室,上海 200032)

摘 要:摘 要:合成生物学是以基因组学、系统生物学知识和分子生物学技术为基础,综合了科学与工程的一门新兴交叉学科。它使生命科学和生物技术研发进入了以人工设计、合成自然界中原本不曾出现的人造生命体系,以及对这些人工体系进行体内、体外优化,或利用这些人造生命体系研究自然生命规律为目标的新时代。然而,合成生物学研究在迅速发展、表现出巨大潜力和应用前景的同时,也引发了社会各界对相关社会、伦理、安全,以及知识产权等问题的重视与讨论。就世界各国针对合成生命对传统意义上生命概念的挑战、合成生物学产品存在的潜在风险危害、合成生物学研究的风险评估与监管等问题进行回顾综述和相关探讨。

Ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI) of synthetic biology
LIU Xiao1, XIONG Yan1, WANG Fang1, ZHAO Guo-Ping2*
(1 Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China; 2 Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China)


Abstract: Synthetic biology is an emerging cross-disciplinary research field that integrates science and engineering based on the knowledge of genomics/systems biology and the techniques of molecular biology. It makes life science and biotechnology entered a new era that enables designing and synthesizing artificial biological systems which can be further optimized in vivo and in vitro or employed in exploring natural biological systems. However, the social, ethical, safety, and intellectual property issues in synthetic biology is largely yet to be addressed. This review will discuss the ethics, risk and regulation issues of synthetic biology globally interested, including the concept of life versus synthetic life, potential harms of synthetic biology products, and the research risk assessment and regulation, etc.
Key words: synthetic biology; ethics; biosafety; risk assessment; oversight

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