刘 闵

摘 要:摘 要: 随着分子和基因组信息对流行病学影响的增加,无数遗传流行病学研究和后人类基因组计划的研究都越来越依赖人类生物样本库的使用。生物样本库的范围也已横跨学术或者医院环境下的小数量收集到大规模的全国性储藏。尽管生物样本库的概念并不新,但是在基因组研究和后人类基因组计划的背景下,伴随它们十几年极大发展的是无数待解决的伦理挑战。从生物样本库的概念着手,介绍了其与一般遗传数据库的区别以及建立生物样本库的意义;然后介绍并比较国际上已有的生物样本库,以及其伦理问题和伦理法律框架的发展趋势。

Introduction to biobanks and their ethical issues
(GSK (China) Investment CO., Ltd., Shanghai 200040, China)


Abstract: As the impact of molecular and genomic data on epidemiology grows, numerous studies of genetic epidemiology and post human genomic project rely increasingly on the use of human biobanks. Biobanking ranges in scope from small collections of samples in academic or hospital settings to large-scale national repositories. Although biobanking is not new, its considerable development during the past decades, in the context of genomic research and post human genomic project, has been accompanied by numerous ethical challenges. To begin with, the paper dealt with the concept of biobank, the difference between biobanks and common genetic databases, and then the significance of building biobanks. After compared biobanks running through international world, the paper continued with the ethical issues related to biobanks and the trends in ethical and legal framework for the use of human biobanks.
Key words: biobank; genetic database; informed consent; confidentiality

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