(1 上海交通大学医学院,上海 200025;2 上海社会科学院,上海 200235;3 国家人类基因组南方研究中心,上海 201203)

摘 要:摘 要:干细胞具有“分化”和“脱分化”的特点和潜能,干细胞研究有着良好的医学前景,许多人类严重疾病的治疗有了新的希望。伴随着干细胞研究的开展和深入,出现了诸多伦理问题的争论。拟就干细胞研究的希望和现实、伦理争论的主要观点及干细胞研究伦理准则的构建,作一简要介绍,并就加强干细胞管理提出建议。

Ethics on stem cell research
QIU Xiang-Xing1,3*, SHEN Ming-Xian2,3, HU Qing-Li1,3
(1 School of Medcine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200025, China; 2 Shanghai Academy Of Social Sciences, Shanghai 200235, China; 3 Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai, Shanghai 201203, China)


Abstract: Stem cell makes it possible to treat various human diseases owing to the multiple differentiation and dedifferentiation potential. Stem cell research has potential medical application. However, with the development of stem cell research, a great number of ethical controversy has arisen. This article will give a brief introduction of stem cells research’ potentiality and actuality, the main ethical controversy, as well as the construction of ethics criterions. Moreover, put forward a proposal for tightening up the management of stem cells research.
Key words: stem cells; ethics; ethical controversy; codes of ethics

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