(上海中医药大学社科部,上海 201203)

摘 要:摘 要: 我国的器官移植近10年来有了发展,无论从技术层面、移植数量和质量、临床管理以及法规建设上都有了长足的进步。然而,由于我们在开展器官移植方面的先天不足,例如从事器官移植的技术队伍主要是来自海外学成归来的专家;技术主要靠引进西方的临床技术,在基础研究和创新方面相对薄弱;在法律和管理制度的建设方面相对滞后,没有建立一个从制度上保证器官移植健康开展的系统,使得在器官供体来源和器官的公正分配上存在许多欠缺。因此有必要对我国的器官移植历史进行回顾和总结,对我国在器官移植中存在的错误观念和伦理困境进行剖析,寻找适合我国开展器官移植的正确途径,促进我国的器官移植事业健康发展。

Ethical  dilemma  and  countermeasures  of  organ  transplantation  in  China
FAN  Min-Sheng*,LI  Jiu-Hui
(Department of Social Science, Shanghai University of T.C.M., Shanghai 201203, China)

Abstract: Abstract: In the last ten years organ transplantations in China have made substantial progress in the field of transplantation techniques, transplantation quantity and quality,clinical management and regulation establishment. Meanwhile, the organ transplantation in China has some inherent disadvantages: the technical teams coming mainly from experts after overseas studies; clinical technologies introduced from the west, weakness in the fundamental research and innovation; retarded law and regulation establishment, lacking of institutional guarantee for a sound transplantation development. All these have created a number of shortcomings concerning the sources of organ donation and organ distribution: non regulated usage of death penalty prisoners’ organ, homicide for organ selling, organ selling from the living, and patient recruitment by internet, which arose worldwide attention and criticism. It is thus of importance to review and synthesize the history of organ transplantation in China,to analyze the misunderstanding and ethical dilemma in its practices, and to find correct ways to develop it so as to promote a better and healthier development of organ transplantation in China.
    Key words: organ transplantation; ethical dilemma; legal and institutional

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