陈 雯,赵 娜,魏 薇,张桂芹,谭 龙,张万起*
(天津医科大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学系,天津 300070)

摘 要:

摘 要:动物实验表明,短期或长期高碘摄入会对机体产生一定的毒性,包括发育毒性、遗传毒性和致畸性等。目前世界各国家及组织对于碘的推荐摄入量(reference nutrition intake, RNI) 和可耐受最高摄入量(tolerable upper intake level, UL) 的制定一般是基于一些的人体实验研究和人群调查,但由于地理环境及人种差异等原因,所得数据并不统一。由于参照的研究数据不同,各国对不同人群设定的碘安全摄入量参照标准也不尽相同。鉴于此,分析了国际上主要的国家及国际组织制订标准的过程与依据,概述了我国相关标准的制订过程与依据以及目前的研究进展,明确了进一步探讨和研究更适合我国人群的碘的安全摄入量是当前和今后的工作重点之一,也是食盐加碘计划(universal salt iodization, USI) 科学实施的重要保障。
中图分类号:O613.44 ;Q584 文献标志码:A

基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(3084006, 30972465);教育部高等学校博士学科点(博导类);专项科研基金项目(20111202110014)
*通信作者:E-mail: wqzhang@tijmu.edu.cn

Study on the safe range of iodine intake
CHEN Wen, ZHAO Na, WEI Wei, ZHANG Gui-Qin, TAN Long, ZHANG Wan-Qi*
(Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, College of Public Health, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Animal experiments have shown that it is poisonous to have excessive iodine intake for a short or long time. Besides, iodine has the developmental toxicity, genetic toxicity and teratogenicity. The establishment of RNI and UL of iodine from some countries and organizations were based on some human experiments and population studies, and for the different geographic environments and the racial difference, the values were different. The values and reasons of RNI and UL of several main countries and international orgnizations have been reviewed, as a result, it will be an important work for us to further disscuss and study the safe intake levels of iodine which is more suitable for Chinese population nowadays and in the future, which is the important guarantee for the scientific
implementation of USI.
Key words: iodine; recommended nutrition intake; tolerable upper intake level

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