
张 颖,李俞莹,姚 旋,应 浩*

摘 要:

摘 要:碘是人体必需的微量元素,是合成甲状腺激素(thyroid hormone, TH) 的主要原料。人体内的碘主要从饮水及食物中获取。碘的摄入缺乏或过量,不仅对TH 的合成及分泌有至关重要的影响,而且与甲状腺形态及多种甲状腺疾病的发生、发展及转归密切相关。加碘盐的推广有效预防了碘缺乏可能引起的相关疾病;而碘过量导致的甲状腺疾病谱和发病率的急剧变化,也引起各界高度重视。流行病学调查表明,碘的摄入量与甲状腺功能亢进、自身免疫性甲状腺炎、甲状腺功能减退、甲状腺肿大和甲状腺癌等疾病的发病率密切相关。针对碘的相关生物学问题,对近年来的基础研究和人群研究进行综述,希望借此抛砖引玉,引起相关部门的重视,提高人民群众对碘营养的科学认识水平。
中图分类号: O613.44; R581 文献标志码:A

Iodine and thyroid diseases
ZHANG Ying, LI Yu-Ying, YAO Xuan, YING Hao*
(Key Laboratory of Nutrition and Metabolism, Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China)


Abstract: Iodine is an essential trace element for life and required for the synthesis of thyroid hormone. Foods and beverages are the main dietary source of iodine. Either iodine deficiency or excess will not only affect the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormone but also be related to the occurrence and development of thyroid diseases. Although the use of iodized salt could greatly prevent iodine deficiency induced diseases, concerns about potential increases in iodine excess induced thyroid diseases drew more people’s attention recently. A couple of epidemiological studies has suggested increasing prevalence and high incidence of subclinical hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, goiter, and thyroid cancer might be associated with excess iodine intakes.Here we will review the iodine related research progress from basic research to human studies. We hope to draw governor’s attention, and extend public knowledge of nutritional science about iodine.
Key words: iodine; thyroid hormone; thyroid diseases; iodine deficiency disorder

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