田 勇,卢立志*
(浙江省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,浙江 杭州 310021)

摘 要:

摘 要:基因表达系列分析(serial analysis of gene expression, SAGE)是一种快速分析特定组织或细胞内基因表达信息的技术,不但可以比较不同组织细胞在不同时间、空间条件下基因表达的差异,还能发现新基因。近几年来,SAGE 技术在动物基因表达研究中的应用取得了飞速发展。就SAGE 技术的原理、实验路线、优缺点和改进以及SAGE 在动物科学研究中的研究现状及应用前景作一简要介绍。




中图分类号:Q786;Q95-336  文献标志码:A

Advanced research on serial analysis of gene expression technology in animal science
TIAN Yong, LU Li-Zhi*
(Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021, China)


 Abstract: Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) is a technology which can quickly analyse gene expression in specific tissues and cells. It can be used not only to simultaneously compare the genes differently expressed in different conditions for gene mining, but also to find new genes. In recent years, the application of SAGE in the research of animal gene expression was enhanced rapidly. This review introduced principle, operating steps, advantage and disadvantage, improvements and the prospects of application of SAGE technology in the research of animal science.Key words: serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE); expressed sequence tag (EST); differential expression; animal gene


收稿日期:2012-03-27; 修回日期:2012-06-15




*通信作者:E-mail: lulizhibox@163.com;Tel: 0571-86406682

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