赵武奎,林 恒,黄心怡,李汉梁,林程琳,王冰梅*
(福建师范大学生命科学学院,福建省发育与神经生物学重点实验室,福州 350108)

摘 要:

摘 要:Sonic hedgehog (Shh) 信号通路在牙早期发育中起关键作用,Shh通过与其特定的受体Ptc/Smo蛋白复合物相互作用来激活整个信号通路。Shh在牙早期发育过程中的表达具有时间和空间特异性,通过自分泌和旁分泌作用于上皮组织以及周围的间充质,促进细胞增殖、分化,调控牙的形态发生。Shh基因缺失将导致小鼠在帽状期牙形态的严重畸形,牙体变小,牙索缺失。对Shh信号通路在牙早期发育的作用及其与Wnt信号通路、BMP家族、FGF家族和MSX家族之间的相互关系进行综述。




中图分类号:Q257; R780.2 文献标志码:A

Advances about Shh signaling pathway during early tooth development
ZHAO Wu-Kui, LIN Heng, Huang Xin-Yi, LI Han-Liang, LIN Cheng-Lin, WANG Bing-Mei*
(Fujian Key Laboratory of Developmental and Neurobiology, College of Life Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350108, China)


Abstract: Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway plays a critical role during the early tooth development. Shh activates the whole signaling pathway via interacting with its specific receptor, Ptc/Smo protein complex. During the early tooth development process, Shh expresses in a temporal and spatial specific manner, affects the epithelial and mesenchymal dental tissues through autocrine and paracrine, promotes cell proliferation and differentiation, and then regulates the tooth morphogenesis. Shh gene deletion will result in severely abnormal tooth morphology, reduce tooth size and dental cord absence during the cap stage in mouse. This present review mainly discussed the role of Shh signaling pathway in early tooth development and its interrelationship with Wnt signaling, and BMP, FGF and MSX families.


Key words: Shh; Wnt; tooth development

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