罗 成,刘健康*
(西安交通大学生命科学与技术学院,教育部生物医学与信息工程重点实验室,生物信息学中心线粒体生物医学研究所,西安 710049)

摘 要:

 摘 要:地中海饮食,特别是橄榄油,赋予了地中海周边国家人民对于退行性疾病的强力抵抗,尤其是心血管疾病和肿瘤的发生率以及致死率相对更低。羟基酪醇是橄榄油中的多酚类化合物之一,在防治紫外辐射、糖尿病、老年性视网膜黄斑病变、心血管疾病以及肿瘤等方面都具有重要的生物学效应。将具体阐述羟基酪醇作为一种线粒体营养素(如通过调节线粒体的动态变化以及Nrf2介导的抗氧化酶的诱导等)如何促进其有益功能。




中图分类号:Q599;R915 文献标识码:A

The regulation mechanism of hydroxytyrosol as a mitochondrial nutrient
LUO Cheng, LIU Jian-Kang*
(Institute of Mitochondrial Biology and Medicine and Center for Bioinformatics, Key Laboratory of Biomedical Information Engineering of Ministry of Education, School of Life Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China)


Abstract: Mediterranean diets, especially olive oil, play a vital role in resistance to degenerative diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and cancer, promoting a relatively lower incidence and mortality. As one of polyphenolic compounds in olive oil, hydroxytyrosol exhibits excellent biological effects on resistance to many diseases, such as UV radiation, diabetes, age-related macular disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, etc. This review will focus on the regulation mechanism of hydroxytyrosol as a mitochondrial nutrient through promoting mitochondrial dynamics and Nrf2-mediated antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes induction.Key words: hydroxytyrosol; mitochondrial nutrient; mitochondrial dynamics; Nrf2

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