熊燊源1,2,万鹏程1*,石文艳3,代 蓉1,周 平1,石国庆1,曾申明4
(1 新疆农垦科学院畜牧兽医研究所,石河子 832000;2 石河子大学动物科技学院,石河子 832003;3 石河子大学医学院,石河子 832003;4 中国农业大学动物科技学院,北京 100093)

摘 要:

摘 要:胚胎附植是哺乳动物复杂的生殖生理过程,是妊娠建立的标志和首要环节。早期胚胎发育、母体妊娠识别、胚胎附植和妊娠维持都严格依赖于孕体和中间的信号联系。大量研究证明,在绵羊胚胎附植过程中,来源于胚胎、母体子宫及宫外组织的多种生殖激素、黏附分子、细胞外基质、细胞活素物质和生长因子通过极其精密的协调共同参与和维持了孕体的发育、子宫内膜的重塑、分泌功能和子宫生长。本文综述了近年来绵羊胚胎附植的相关分子调控机制的最新研究进展,对胚胎附植分子调控信号的掌握将有助于诊断和确定那些引起妊娠失败的原因,为提高家畜和人类妊娠率提供参考。




中图分类号:Q959.842; Q132.7 文献标志码:A

Research progress of embryo implantation molecular regulation in sheep
XIONG Shen-Yuan1,2, WAN Peng-Cheng1*, SHI Wen-Yan3, DAI Rong1, ZHOU Ping1, SHI Guo-Qing1, ZENG Shen-Ming4
(1 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Institute, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Science, Shihezi 832000, China; 2 Animal Science-Technology College of Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, China; 3 Medical College of Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, China; 4 Animal Science-Technology College of China Agricultural University,Beijing 100093, China)


Abstract: Implantation, the sign and initial stage of pregnancy, is a complex physiological process in mammals. Early embryonic development, maternal recognition of pregnancy, implantation and maintenance of a pregnancy are critically dependent on an intact conceptus——uterine molecular signal communication. In sheep, many studies have demonstrated that exquisite coordination involves the regulation of the various reproductive hormones, adhesion molecules, extracellular matrixes, cytokines and growth factors by embryonic as well as maternal tissues of both uterine and extrauterine origins, which parcipicate and maintains conceptus development, endometrial remodeling, secretory function and uterine growth during periimplantation stage. This review highlights new information on the mechanisms and factors regulating implantation that is focused primarily on the sheep. Understanding the signals that regulate implantation can be used to dialogue and identify the cause(s) of recurrent pregnancy loss and to provide reference for improving pregnancy rates in domestic animals and humans.


Key words: sheep; implantation; interferon-τ; integrin; osteopontin

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