(1 中国科学院海洋研究所,青岛 266071; 2 天津科技大学海洋科学与工程学院,天津市海洋资源与化学重点实验室,天津 300457)

摘 要:摘 要:当前,全球能源系统的主体是“碳基能源”——石油和煤等。这些不可再生的资源已日渐枯竭,而且大量使用会破坏地球生态系统。因此,用“氢基能源”逐步取代“碳基能源”已成为发达国家能源战略的首选目标,有的国家甚至将这一目标定在本世纪中叶。对于中国等发展中国家,大力开发生物质能等新的可再生“碳基能源”,同时加速发展“氢基能源”,争取提前进入氢能时代,才能实现可持续发展,甚至跨越式发展。制氢技术包括非生物制氢和生物制氢。非生物制氢目前已小量生产和应用,生物制氢的研究也有相当长的时间,其中影响生物制氢进入实用的主要因素是能耗和生产成本过高。因此,如果作为一个孤立的技术系统,生物制氢只能作为战略性项目。首先介绍了生物制氢的主要原理、目前限制生物制氢产业化的关键限制因子;提出了从系统论的原理出发,通过技术集成,突破生物制氢成本的“瓶颈”,达到环保和资源利用的双重目的,使其提前实用化;最后,重点阐述了以海水为介质的高盐有机废水的生物制氢技术的研究进展,尤其介绍我国在相关方面的研究进展。

Study on biohydrogen production and coupling of the treatment for high-salt wastewater through the medium of seawater
WANG Guang-Ce1*, ZHU Da-Ling2, LIU Hong-Yan2, CAI Jin-Ling2, PAN Guang-Hua2
(1 Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;2 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Marine Resources and Chemistry, College of Marine Science and Engineering, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300457, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The main part of current global energy system is carbon-based energy, including petroleum and coal etc. These non-renewable resources has been gradually exhausted, and the slather of fossil fuel will result in the destruction of global ecosystem. So the first goal of energy strategy in developed countries is the gradual replacement of carbon-based energy by hydrogen-based energy. Some countries even defined to achieve this goal at the middle of this century. Developing countries including China etc., through actively exploiting the renewable biomass energy (carbon-based energy) and simultaneously developing hydrogen-based energy, will try for entering hydrogen energy age earlier and realize sustainable and leaping development. Technologies of hydrogen production include non-biohydrogen production and biohydrogen production. Now, non-biohydrogen production has been applied to small-scale industry. Whereas, the studies of biohydrogen production has been performed for a long time. The major limiting factors for practical application of biohydrogen production are energy consumption and high production cost. Therefore, if biohydrogen production is considered to be an isolated system, it would be only a strategic project. In this review, we firstly introduced the main principles of biohydrogen production and the key limiting factors for the industrialization of biohydogen production at present. Based on the principle of system theory, we advised that the integration of technology was used to break through the bottlenecks of biohydrogen production cost and to achieve the dual purposes of environmental protection and resource utilization, further to make for the practical application of biohydrogen production. Finally, we focused on the advances of biohydrogen production coupling of the treatment of high-salt wastewater using seawater as the medium, particularly the advances in China.
Key words: biohydrogen production; marine hydrogen-producing bacteria; treatment of high-salt wasterwater through the medium of seawater

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