陈雪忠*,樊 伟
(中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090)

摘 要:摘 要:深远海渔业资源作为人类食用的优质蛋白来源,其开发受到各渔业国家的重视。以卫星遥感、地理信息系统等为代表的空间信息技术已经在海洋渔业中得到较为广泛的应用,主要包括卫星遥感渔场环境监测及渔情分析预报、鱼类洄游路径的监测、渔船作业位置的分布与监测等。针对深远海渔业资源的捕捞开发,重点综述了空间信息技术在深远海渔业资源开发中应用的现状以及应用前景分析。

Spatial information technology and distant water fisheries development
CHEN Xue-Zhong*, FAN Wei
(East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Presently all fisheries countries pay attention to distant water fisheries resources and their development. Spatial information technology, such as satellite remote sensing, geographical information system, has been applied in marine fisheries field. For example, fishing ground environment factors acquired by remote sensing inversion and fishing condition forecasting, fish migration studies and monitoring of fishing vessels distribution. This paper present an overview of spatial information technology application in marine fisheries as well as their future.
Key words: spatial information technology; deep sea; fishery resources

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