(中国科学院海洋研究所,青岛 266071)

摘 要:摘 要:海洋生物技术是20世纪末国际出现的前沿技术,至今发展势头良好,方兴未艾。在全球经济面临转型换代的关键时刻,蓝色经济渐现端倪。探讨了蓝色生物经济的概念和内涵,评述了海洋生物技术研发前沿与重点应用领域,展望了蓝色生物经济的良好市场前景与可持续发展,提出了加快发展我国蓝色生物经济的策略和建议。

The marine biotechnology enable development of the blue bioeconomy
XIANG Jian-Hai
(Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sceinces, Qingdao 266071, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Marine biotechnology has been developed since the last decades of the 20th century. The blue economy is emerging in the critical junctures of the world economic transformation during the global recession. This review focuses the concept and possible connotation of the blue bioeconomy. The priority and key areas of research and development of the marine biotechnology are summarizes. The market potential of the global blue bioeconomy is enormous. Obviously, R & D of marine biotechnology is vital enabling sector of the blue bioeconomy. The author emphasizes the sustainable development of the Chinese blue bioeconomy.
Key words: marine biotechnology; blue bioeconomy; priority and key areas; market potential; sustainability

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