暨南大学药学院药物化学教研室,广州 510632

摘 要:摘 要:具有群体感应系统的细菌通过相互交换一种自动诱导 (autoinducer)信号分子来实现彼此间的信息交流。当信号分子积累到一定浓度时会改变细菌特定基因的表达,如生物膜的形成、生物发光行为、毒性基因的表达、孢子的形成等。近年来,人们发现了多种天然或者人工合成的群体感应抑制剂,可以干扰群感系统的信息回路。本文系统地阐述了细菌群体感应信息系统的划分、自体诱导分子及其抑制剂的研究进展。

Advances in studies of quorum-sensing autoinducer and its inhibitors
GUO Jialiang, CHEN Weimin*
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Jinan University School of Pharmacy, Guangzhou 510632, China

Abstract: Abstract: Communication among bacteria with quorum-sensing system is accomplished through the exchange of signal molecules called autoinducers. When the densities of autoinducers rise to a certain degree, bacteria respond by specialized gene expression such as biofilm, bioluminescence, virulence and sporulation. Recently many quorum sensing inhibitors, which specifically interfere with the QS circuit, were discovered or synthesized. Detailed review regarding the autoinducer, inhibitors, significance and prospect of bacterial quorum-sensing system has been presented in this paper.
Key words: quorum sensing; autoinducer; inhibitor

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