(浙江大学生命科学学院生态研究所,杭州 310058)

摘 要:摘 要:Michael Rosenzweig于1971年首次提出“富食悖论”这一概念:在简单的被捕食者-捕食者系统中,随着营养物质供应的增加,系统变得不再稳定,并产生大振幅波动,最终导致系统内的物种灭亡。然而,许多实验结果并不支持Rosenzweig的理论。综述“富食悖论”的定义、理论和实验研究,同时综述各种解释实际与理论之间矛盾的机制,最后探讨“富食悖论”的研究前景。

The advance of the paradox of enrichment
QIU Yun-Peng, ZHANG Wei-Ping, WANG Gen-Xuan*
(Institute of Ecology, College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The term “paradox of enrichment” was coined by Michael Rosenzweig in 1971. In simple prey-predator models, increasing food availability to prey destabilizes the stable system and produces large amplitude population oscillations leading to species extinction. Subsequently, a great number of experimental studies have been conducted to test this theory, while many results do not support Rosenzweig{$39}s theory. In this study, we review the definition of the “paradox of enrichment”, its theoretical and experimental cases, and give a brief overview of the mechanisms underlying the discrepancy between theoretical expectations and experimental observations. Finally, we consider future directions for research on the "paradox of enrichment".
Key words: paradox of enrichment; predator; prey; extinction; model

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