(温州医学院附属浙江省台州医院中心实验室,临海 317000)

摘 要:摘 要:人类白细胞抗原(human leucocyte antigen, HLA)复合体是人体中基因多态性最高的基因复合体,其多态性与疾病遗传易感性显著相关。人类白细胞抗原-F (human leucocyte antigen-F, HLA-F)属于非经典HLA I类分子中的一员,与HLA-E、-G在结构上十分相似,具有有限的多态性。近年来多数学者聚焦于HLA-F基因转录及分子表达调控、HLA-F表达与临床相关性及HLA-F抗体研制,且取得了重要成果。就HLA-F的研究进展作一综述。

Research advances of HLA-F
XU Dan-Ping, LIN Ai-Fen, YAN Wei-Hua*
(Laboratory Center, Wenzhou Medical College affiliated Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Linhai 317000, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Human leukocyte antigen complex with the highest gene polymorphisms in human, is significantly associated with genetic susceptibility to diseases. Human leukocyte antigen-F belongs to the non-classical HLA I molecules. HLA-F, HLA-E and HLA-G have a similar structure and a limited polymorphism. In recent years, transcription regulation of HLA-F, expression regulation of HLA-F in cell surface, clinical relevance of HLA-F and the preparation of anti-HLA-F, are widely studied and have achieved important results. In the present review, the research advances on HLA-F are discussed.
Key words: HLA-F; regulation; gene polymorphism

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