(中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所,动物营养学国家重点实验室,北京 100193)

摘 要:摘 要:后基因组时代,仅依靠基因组方法来研究原位微生物群落的功能已远远不够,在这种背景下元蛋白质组学研究逐渐兴起。应用元蛋白质组学技术可大规模研究原位微生物群落的蛋白质表达,分析生态系统中微生物的功能,寻找新的功能基因和代谢通路,为微生物群体的基因和功能多样性研究提供数据。同时,还可鉴定与微生物功能相关的蛋白质,这些蛋白质未来可以作为生物标记物为环境可持续发展铺路。综述了元蛋白质组学的发展概况及其在微生物功能研究中的重大作用,强调了元蛋白质组学方法在分析新功能基因及其相关基因,揭示微生物多样性与微生物群体功能之间的关系等方面起到的作用,并对其应用前景进行了展望。

Application of metaproteomics for studying functional microbial
HU Xiao-Li, WANG Jia-Qi*, ZHAO Sheng-Guo
(Institute of Animal Science, State Key Lab of Animal Nutrition, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science, Beijing 100193, China)

Abstract: Abstract: In the postgenomic era, there is a clear recognition of the limitations of nucleic acid-based methods for getting information on functions expressed by microbial communities in situ. In this context, metaproteomics approaches appear to solve the limitation of metagenomics, the large-scale study of proteins expressed by indigenous microbial communities should provide information to gain insights into the functioning of the microbial component in ecosystems, track new functional genes and metabolic pathways, and provide data linking genetic and functional diversity of microbial communities. Metaproteomics is expected to identify proteins preferentially associated with specific function. These proteins are considered as functional bioindicators should contribute, in the future, to help policy makers in defining strategies for sustainable management of our environment. This review tracked the origin of metaproteomics, laid emphasis on the function of metaproteome analysis on describing new functional genes and their related genes, revealing microbial taxonomic diversity and the functionality of microbial communities in complex environments. At last the situation of application of metaproteomics in studying functional microbial was also discussed in the dissertation.
Key words: metaproteomics; microbial communities; function

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