(1 中国科学院《科学新闻》杂志社,北京 100190;2 中国农业大学人文与发展学院,北京 100193)

摘 要:

摘 要:本文介绍了转基因技术和作物在中国的传播现状,展示了公众对转基因技术的接受情况,分析了大部分媒体和公众对转基因技术持保留态度的原因。文章指出,除了对转基因缺乏知识外,科学家缺乏有效的传播和沟通、有关部门的信息发布不透明以及公众对利益集团的拒斥都是造成转基因在公众中受到一定排斥的原因。在此基础上,本文也介绍和探讨了转基因问题的有效传播方式,其中包括在西方广泛流行的“共识会议”模式。文章呼吁,目前公众对转基因的态度已经构成了这项技术进展的重要障碍,有关部门和科学家必须重视转基因的传播问题,并采取相应的策略来积极应对。
中图分类号:B82-057; JS201.6 文献标识码:A



A review on communication and policymaking of GM technologies in China
JIA He-Peng1*, TAN Yi-Hong1, YU Qi-Cai2
(1 Science News Magazine, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; 2College of Humanities, Chinese Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China)

Abstract: This article introduces the general situation for the communications of genetically modified (GM) crops and GM technologies while displaying the reaction given by the public to GM technologies. According to this article, besides the absence of knowledge related to GM technologies, the lack of communication efforts by scientists and science institutions, the poor work by agricultural authorities in information release and more general transparency, and the public{$39}s strong criticism against GM all contribute to the situation. Based on this, the article explores effective ways for GM communication, including the so-called Consensus Conference, a model used by Western world. The article appeals that the negative public attitude has become the most serious barrier for the advancement of GM technologies, and government, research institutions, and the scientists must pay high importance to it and take corresponding strategies.
Key words: genetically modified; communication; biosafety certificates; Consensus Conference

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